Discover the World of Addition and Subtraction

Contributor: Stefani Allegretti. Lesson ID: 14117

Numbers are everywhere and all around! Get ready to have fun with numbers by subtracting 6 or adding up by 4 with numbers up to 20!



learning style
Auditory, Visual
personality style
Beaver, Golden Retriever
Grade Level
Primary (K-2)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

Lesson Plan - Get It!

Audio: Image - Button Play
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Numbers are all around!

Cartoon kids looking at numbers in the sky

Everywhere you look, you can find them!

  • Did you know you have a certain number of toys?
  • Did you know your home has a certain number of rooms?
  • Did you know you are a certain number of years old?


Numbers really are everywhere!

Discover how to subtract numbers less than 20 by 6 and how to add up by 4!

  • Are you ready to explore the amazing world of numbers?

Get ready, get set, go!

It's time to practice subtracting numbers less than 20 by 6!

Pretend that you have 16 pieces of candy.

That's a lot!

colorful candies in rows

You give 6 pieces of your candy to your friend.

  • How many pieces of candy do you have left?

You can use subtraction to find out!

Take 6 away from 16.

16 - 6 = 10!

You had 16 pieces of candy.

You gave 6 pieces to your friend.

So, you have 10 pieces left!

Way to go!

Now, sing along with this fun subtraction song!

Image - Video


Subtracting 6 is so much fun!

  • Did you know you can use addition to help you solve a subtraction problem?

It's true!

Imagine you have 10 cupcakes.

Ten colorful cupcakes

You want to give 6 cupcakes to your friends.

  • How many cupcakes do you have left after you give 6 to your friends?

10 - 6 = ?

Count up by 4 to find the answer!

Start with 6.

Then, add up until you get to 10.

number line counting up by 4

You added up by 4!

6 + 4 = 10!

So, you have 4 cupcakes left!

Nice work!

Now, watch this video and see more addition in action!

Image - Video

Awesome work, math superstar!

You are on your way to solving all kinds of addition and subtraction problems.

Now, move to the Got It? section for more fun and practice!

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