The Words of Anne Frank

Contributor: A. Castle. Lesson ID: 14078

Anne Frank's words share the extraordinary struggles and hopes of a young girl in hiding during WWII, offering a personal view of history, while teaching about courage and resilience.


World, Writing

English / Language Arts
learning style
personality style
Grade Level
Middle School (6-8)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

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Imagine this: You've had a day filled with exciting adventures, secret crushes, or maybe just some everyday thoughts you want to remember.

  • What do you do?

You write them down in your diary! Diaries are like time machines, letting you capture your thoughts, dreams, and experiences and preserve them for the future.

  • But how do you keep your dairy private?

Watch this funny video for some ideas!

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Now, imagine you had to keep a diary during one of the most challenging times in history. That's precisely what Anne Frank did.

She was a young girl who lived during World War II, and her diary became one of the most influential books ever written. Her words show historical events and a young girl's hopes, dreams, and resilience in hiding.

Watch the following video to learn more about this remarkable young woman and the diary she did not plan for the world to read one day.

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Anne Frank's diary is more than just a record of a young girl's life; it is a powerful testament to the human spirit's resilience in the face of unimaginable hardship. Written with honesty and depth, Anne's reflections capture the innocence and wisdom of a young girl in extraordinary circumstances.

The Holocaust was a terrible event where millions of Jewish people, like Anne Frank, were persecuted and killed by the Nazis. Anne's diary shows how Jewish people were treated unfairly and inhumanely.

Instead of just reading numbers and facts, Anne's diary tells the story of real people and their experiences, making history more relatable and real.

Her diary gives a personal perspective on what it was like to live during the war, with the constant fear of being discovered by the Nazis. It explores the everyday struggles and dangers that people faced, like air raids and food scarcity.

Anne Frank’s diary illustrates the human side of history and emphasizes the importance of hope and resilience. Her powerful words do more than simply explain the events of World War II and the Holocaust; they also convey the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

Continue to the Got It? section to explore Anne's words for yourself!

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