Contributor: Brian Anthony. Lesson ID: 12660
Because music can move the body and emotions, it can move people dedicated to a cause. Learn about art born of struggle and suffering, and how it can propel a cause and document history!
Music may be entertaining, but never just entertainment.
Even music without words communicates ideas, beliefs, identities, and attitudes. Music is even more powerful when words are involved in shaping people's thoughts about themselves and their societies.
In American history, as in other times and places worldwide, music has played a role in politics and society. Songs like “Yankee Doodle” and “The Liberty Song” communicated the spirit of the revolutionaries in their fight against British rule and roused people to action.
The Hutchinson Family Singers sang songs in the mid-1800s in protest of slavery and the mistreatment of Black Americans. By the twentieth century, singers like Joe Hill and Woody Guthrie were using music in the struggle for the rights of American workers.
By the 1960s, it had become clear that the struggle for civil rights in the U.S. was far from complete.
In many states, some laws prevented interracial marriage. Jim Crow laws in many states enforced a social system that kept Black and White lives separate and kept Black Americans at a significant disadvantage. Anti-Black violence remained all too common.
Music played a significant role in promoting awareness of these critical civil rights issues and mobilized people to join the efforts to reform American society.
Read Music Played Key Role in US Civil Rights Movement to learn more. As you do, write down answers to the following questions.
Review your answers before considering the following questions. If possible, discuss them with a peer or classmate.
It is often said that suffering and struggle produce the most powerful art. The music of the civil rights era remains some of the most potent music in the heritage of American arts.
In the Got It? section, listen to some of the great songs that provided the soundtrack to this important movement.