The World of Repeating Patterns!

Contributor: Elephango Editors. Lesson ID: 10248

Dive into the world of repeating patterns! From colors and shapes to dances and songs, this lesson helps you spot, create, and explore patterns that keep going and going.


Counting and Cardinality, Plane Geometry (2D)

learning style
Auditory, Visual
personality style
Lion, Beaver
Grade Level
PreK/K, Primary (K-2)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

Lesson Plan - Get It!

Audio: Image - Button Play
Image - Lession Started Image - Button Start
  • Ready to be a pattern detective?

Start by looking at these pictures.

Image - Video

  • What do you notice that keeps repeating?
  • Can you find something that’s the same, over and over again?

Get ready to solve the mystery of patterns!

Patterns are all around us—they happen when something repeats over and over again.

You can spot them in colors, shapes, sounds, numbers, or even your daily routine!

Think about this.

  • When you wake up, do you usually brush your teeth, eat breakfast, and get dressed?

That's a pattern—a routine that repeats every day.

A pattern has a unit, which is the part that keeps repeating.

For example: If the unit is heart-square, the pattern becomes heart-square, heart-square, heart-square, heart-square, heart-square.


Try some practice!

  1. Gather some small objects in two colors, like buttons, building bricks, or beads.
  1. Use these objects to create different patterns, such as red, blue, red, blue or circle, circle, square, circle, circle, square.
  1. See how many unique patterns you can create. Challenge yourself to find five!

Now, try a body pattern.

  • Clap.
  • Stomp.
  • Clap.
  • Stomp.
  • What comes next?

You got it—clap!

Patterns don't just look fun—they help us predict what comes next.

Watch this fun video and sing along to see patterns in action!

Image - Video

Let's focus on these four patterns.

  AB pattern
  AABB pattern
  AAB pattern
  ABB pattern


Head to the Got It? section to practice these four patterns!

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